If you are Normalizing your voice over auditions and jobs you are missing a crucial step. Use this secret to make your voice over performance stand out. Click the video below to check out William Williams invaluable tips:
At Aliso Creek Voice Over Classes you’ll train in a professional voice over recording studio in Burbank, California (near Los Angeles California). They cover audition skills, copy interpretation, character development and microphone technique. Your work is digitally recorded so that you can review your progress. And they teach the business skills such as where to find work, finding an agent and pay scales. Each class is two and a half hours in length and the classes meet once a week for six weeks.
Welcome to the VoicesUK blog. Here we explore all facets of the amazing world that is the voiceover industry. We feature guest authors on topics such as how to get started, what equipment is best for your recordings, how to find clients and how to best show off your skills on VoicesUK. To join our family of British voiceover artists please click here. To search for the perfect voice for your project click here. And click here to get in contact with our team, we’re ready to help!
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One response to "Voice Over Recording Tip: Don’t Just Normalize"
Simple to understand – extremely useful to know!!