Industry rate guide for professional voiceover artists
Industry rate guide for professional voiceover artists
Industry rate guide for professional voiceover artists
Industry rates for professional voiceovers
We’re pleased you’ve found our treasure trove of 541 personally approved British voice artists. As voice artists ourselves we’ve been involved in the world of voice overs since 1998… and we love it. Let us know about your project – post a free audition request.
We are proud to offer a minimum base rate for all our voice artists. Artist’s rates will vary depending on experience and turnaround. Please post an audition request for our voice artists to quote for your particular project’s requirements.
As a guide, we highly recommend the the most up-to-date rate guide in the industry compiled by Gravy Tor The Brain – their comprehensive rates guide can be viewed below. Whatever your requirement, if you need a British voiceover for your project then drop us a line, we will be happy to match you to a voice artist. The following tables represent a guide to the voiceover rates typically charged by voice artists in the United Kingdom. The guide has been compiled by GFTB and a working group of top UK voiceover professionals and includes the published agreed rates* of the British actors union Equity. Note that all voice artists have their own fees specific to them, so this guide is literally a reference point.
Click here for the full rates guide.
*Equity Agreed Minimum Rates: – Please note that these published rates from Equity are collectively agreed minimum rates between interested parties of that genre, and not suggested rates by the Equity union. For more information please visit the Equity Website.
**Typical Current Actual Market Rates: The rates specified in these tables are those generally commanded in the UK by working voiceover artists. Of course any voiceover artist can charge anything they want – and should do so – but we have surveyed and found that this range is what voiceover artists typically charge. Accordingly, these rates may not be indicative of those charged by very established or well-known artists through their agents who can generally charge more. In those instances, fees are always agreed by negotiation and are subject to many variables. Also, lesser known artists may charge less in order to establish themselves or to build a reputation. We have tried to cover a typical spread of what the industry normally charges, even though any specific instance may vary from our Low/Average/Upper classifications
A Note from GFTB on Rates: Please note that this rate guide is intended to be a guide for current industry rates charged in general by UK Voice Artists, and is not intended to imply that these rates are fixed, or set – they are not. Voice artists choice what to charge (unless they are a member of a union and then please refer to their policies).
As voice artists ourselves we feel that being open, transparent & friendly as a business as well as individuals is essential in running a voiceover platform. It’s important for voice artists and potential clients to know how we work. Whether a voice artist is using us to showcase their talents or a potential client is using our admin services for casting calls, audition selection, artist recommendations or project negotiations we want everyone to know what to expect from us. Find out more below:
Joining VoicesUK as a voice artist involves a one-off, non-recurring admin fee for us to consider (and subsequently potentially host) artist showcases. We have high standards for becoming part of the VoicesUK professional artist family and not all applications are successful, management reserve the right to disapprove applications. In case of non-approval a full refund of the admin fee will be made immediately and all uploaded materials will be deleted from our servers.
Direct contact with artists incurs 0% commission. Projects involving VoicesUK admin, for example casting calls, audition selection, artist recommendations by VoicesUK management & fee negotiations incurs a 10 – 20% fee to cover our time in addition to the rate set by the artist (when an enquiry is made we contact the artist in question for their turnaround time and fee for the specific project in hand) if above our minimum rates as set out in the table above.
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