Have your script read by a real human with real vocal chords. Our 570-strong professional voice over talent team will send audition samples of your text for free from a pro studio environment.
Our searchable database allows you to browse potential voices for your project by accent, gender, turnaround time & many other options. Audition talent directly from showcases.
We’ve been promoting 570 of the world’s professional British voices since 2013, and won awards for it. We’d love to do the same for you. Learn more about joining us.
Have your script read by a real human with real vocal chords. Our 570-strong professional voice over talent team will send audition samples of your text for free from a pro studio environment.
Our searchable database allows you to browse potential voices for your project by accent, gender, turnaround time & many other options. Audition talent directly from showcases.
We’ve been promoting 570 of the world’s professional British voices since 2013, and won awards for it. We’d love to do the same for you. Learn more about joining us.
VoicesUK® is the place to audition & hire British (and international) voiceover talent from our pool of 570 professional voices (with 4664 demos to listen to). Run by voice artists and loved by production companies, we present the Who’s Who of curated talent. Search our talent or create a no obligation audition for free and we’ll find the perfect voice for your project. All talent have studios, all are pre-screened. Check out our reviews on Trustpilot.
Create your free audition here – provide some details about your project and as soon as we’ve given it the once over we’ll put it in front of the most suitable professional voice over artists from our talent base.
Shortly after your project has been approved you will start receiving custom samples of your script direct to your inbox… sometimes within the hour. Each audition message includes the voice artist’s rate (this is the final amount you will be required to pay, nothing more), their turnaround estimate and their custom recorded sample audio file for you.
When you have selected a voice artist we will take care of the project for you personally, communicating with you and the voice artist to ensure a very smooth process from signed-off script submission, to supply of the artist’s audio, through to sign-off of their audio. Then you’re good to go!
Want to get started? Send our team of 570 professional voice artists a free audition request.
We’ve been promoting 570 British (and international) voices to the world since 2013, we’ve won awards for it too. We’d love to do the same for you. Your new showcase includes your voicereel, headshot, social & agent website links for ease of contact. We’ve a friendly community of pro talent plus £450+ industry discounts to further your career. No ongoing charges, just a one-off admin fee to set you up. Click here to learn more.
© 2025 - VoicesUK®.